3 research outputs found


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk: a) menguji validitas media pembelajaran matematika berbasis Android berbantuan Smart Apps Creator  menurut para ahli materi dan media; b) menguji tingkat kepraktisan media pembelajaran matematika berbasis Android berbantuan Smart Apps Creator menurut mahasiswa pengguna; dan c) menguji tingkat efektivitas media pembelajaran matematika berbasis Android berbantuan Smart Apps Creator terhadap peningkatan kemampuan penguasaaan pemecahan masalah matematis mahasiswa pengguna. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester dua yang mengambil matakuliah matematika ekonomi di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Banten. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket dan tes. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan atau yang dikenal dengan Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE terdiri dari 5 (lima) tahapan yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Hasil uji kevalidan dari para ahli materi dan media diperoleh bahwa media pembelajaran matematika berbasis android berbantuan Smart Apps Creator termasuk pada kriteria kelayakan sangat valid dan dapat digunakan tanpa revisi. Uji kepraktisan oleh mahasiswa pengguna media pembelajaran diperoleh bahwa media pembelajaran matematika berbasis android berbantuan Smart Apps Creator termasuk dalam kriteria sangat praktis. Adapun uji efektivas produk yang dikembangkan diperoleh bahwa media pembelajaran matematika berbasis android berbantuan Smart Apps Creator efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis. Kata kunci: berbasis android, kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis, media pembelajaran, Smart Apps Creator Abstract This study aims to: a) test the validity of the Android-based mathematics learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator according to material and media experts; b) testing the practicality of the Android-based math learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator according to student users; c) testing the effectiveness of the Android-based mathematics learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator towards increasing the students' mathematical problem-solving ability. The research subjects were second-semester students who took economics mathematics courses at one of the universities in Banten. The instruments used are questionnaires and tests. This study uses a type of research and development known as Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model consisting of 5 (five) stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The validity test results from material and media experts showed that the Android-based mathematics learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator included very valid criteria and could be used without revision. The practicality test by students using learning media obtained that the Android-based mathematics learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator was included in the very practical criteria. As for the product effect test, it was obtained that the Android-based mathematics learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator was effective in improving students' problem-solving skills. Keywords: Android based, learning media, mathematical problem-solving ability, Smart Apps Creator

    Distance Learning In An Educational Perspective In Indonesia During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The Existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has a serious impact on teaching and learning activities at various levels and types of educational institutions that were originally face-to-face in the classroom shifted into distance education (distance learning) in the network (online) with online systems (direct) and offline (delay). This study aims to find out how distance learning in the perspective of education in Indonesia during the current Covid-19 pandemic? What's the concept? What are the problems and challenges? And what's the solution? To answer the question above, the method used is the study of the library, namely in this case the author tries to study some available literature to get an explanation relevant to the problem so that the problems in this paper can easily be answered.The results of the literature study stated that (1) Distance learning in an educational perspective in Indonesia, is the implementation of education whose learners are separated from educators and their learning by using various learning resources through information and communication technology, and other media, which serves as a form of education for learners who cannot attend face-to-face education and aims to increase the expansion and equitable access to quality and relevant education as needed; (2) Distance learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic through online learning is focused on life skills education by online or online distance learning methods and offline or offline distance learning.In conclusion, during the Covis-19 pandemic, our education system must be ready to make the leap to transform online learning for all students and by all teachers to enter a new era of building creativity, honing students' skills, and improving self-quality with system changes, perspectives and patterns of our interaction with technology

    Android-Based Mathematics Learning Media Assisted by Smart Apps Creator on Self-Regulated Learning

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    This study aimed; 1) to investigate student responses toward the use of android-based media assisted by Smart Apps Creator for mathematics learning; 2) to investigate student self-regulated learning level; 3) to find out whether there was an effect using Android-based mathematics learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator on student self-regulated learning. The study used an experimental method One-Shot Case research design. This study took the population of second-semester students in the Department of Management. The research samples were 2B MAN students chosen by random cluster sampling. The study showed that the percentage of average student responses to Android-based learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator was very high, 88.08% and students' self-regulated learning was in a high category at 75.87%. The hypothesis test results indicated an effect of using Android-based mathematics learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator on student self-regulated learning. The number of using android-based mathematics learning media on student self-regulated learning was 18.2%, the rest by other variables in this study. The researchers found the result of their research and concluded: 1) the average of student responses to the use of Android-based learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator was 88.08% which is categorized powerful ad category; 2) the average of students’ self-regulated learning was 75.87% described as a strong category; 3) The results of hypothesis test showed there was an effect of using Android-based Mathematics learning media assisted by Smart Apps Creator on student self-regulated learning